Travel insurers are now dealing with one new claim every three minutes typically from UK travellers needing emergency medical treatment while overseas.

Some 153,000 travellers needed emergency medical treatment abroad last year – equating to 420 people every day, or one person every three minutes, the Association of British Insurers (ABI) said.

The total medical bill paid by insurers in 2018 was £209 million – the highest figure since 2010.

It is imperative that all medical conditions and medication are declared to an insurer before you travel in order to ensure insurers don't repudiate a claim for none disclosure in the evident of you needing medical assistance whilst abroad. It is also imperative that you declare any medical conditions of any 'close' family member whose sudden illness or demise may impact your travel or require you to cancel your trip. You will need to refer to your policy wording as to what your insurers definition of 'close' is as this does vary from insurer to insurer.

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